Do you work or volunteer with older adults?

If so why not join our Stay Stronger For Longer Network who meet bi-monthly to improve the health and wellbeing of Wirral residents.  The Stay Stronger For Longer Network group consists of Volunteers, Council & NHS staff, Falls Prevention Team, Private Care Company Home Instead, Age UK, Bowls For Health Development Officer and many others.

Vision – Keep the population of Wirral independent through physical activity.


  • Improving opportunities and access to activities for older adults and those with long term health conditions.
  • Working together with health, social care, leisure and voluntary settings to identify needs and opportunities and create an active network.
  • To affect a cultural change towards a more positive approach to ageing exercise and activity.


  • Improving access to leisure facilities (Transport)
  • Access into provision with localities
  • Timings of sessions – bus passes, schools
  • Variety
  • Touch points with health and social care – hospitals, G.P.’s, care homes, housing.
  • Pathway/Commissioners
  • Workforce
  • Funding streams
  • Directory
  • Marketing
  • Providers/Opportunities
  • Education – Older people, health care professionals

If you would like to get involved with the network then please email for more information.